How We Think About It
Circle of Justice LLC. is dedicated to the foundational principles and philosophy of Restorative Justice viewed by the theory and wisdom of Howard Zehr. Howard is considered a pioneer in the field of Restorative Justice and is often called "the grandfather" of Restorative Justice. In his book "Changing Lenses",
published in 1990, Howard began to conceptualize a framework for justice that allows healing for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ways of being. A way of justice that brings hope for the future and hope for genuine healing. Howard began to look at justice as a way to repair harm. Harm done to those who have been impacted by crime or conflict as well as to give those most impacted a voice in the matter. He says, "We must look beyond just the fact that a "rule" or "law" has been broken. We must consider the needs and interests of all who have been harmed (the victim, the community, and yes, the offender)".
Core Values of Restorative Justice
- Crime is an offense against human relationships.
- Victims, offenders, and the community are central to the justice process.
- A justice process should aim to restore the victim, the community and the offender.
- The offender has a personal responsibility to the victim and the community for wrongdoing.
- The community has a responsibility to learn from the victim and offender and work towards healing.
- The offender will have opportunity to try to resolve the problems that have occurred do to their
- Stakeholders share responsibilities for restorative justice through partnership and action.